Web Site Report

I’d like to apologize to anybody who tried to visit this site and had difficulties loading the site.

There was a problem with our provider. I have resolved this problem by transferring the site to a new provider that has a much better reputation and much more of a culture of reliability and professionalism.

There were two events that occurred. This passing weekend the site was down periodically during the day. I reported this to the service provider. They said that other of their clients were abusing the service and they were shutting down the server (which included this site). Other times when I brought it up with them they denied it (for instance a technician got back to me today about one of the I reported on Saturday telling me that my site seems to be loading fine at the moment and couldn’t know of any issues that took place on the weekend).

The second event happened on the previous weekend. In this case I spent about 15 hours of my time on the problem. In fact the providers customer support deleted some of my backups before I had a chance to download them. Needless to say, at that point I started to shop for a new provider. I had it picked out but I made the switch on the passing weekend when the site started to be a problem again.

If this pattern keeps up that means I’m in for more issues this weekend. I have other sites at the old service provider so I will work at moving them to the new provider.

Overall traffic. Here you can see the two outages.

Search traffic. As you can see the search traffic (new visitors) took a larger hit and actually dropped to zero on one day.

I just read the “Service Guarantee” of the old provider. It is only a 30 day guarantee. I feel short changed since I have a three year contract with them. I need a site that’s reliable for more than 30 days.

The old provider is HostPapa and the new provider is BlueHost.