Tag Archives: Laser

Laser Cut Squirrels in QA

I’ve been doing some experiments with new cutting techniques.

The Squirrel is designed so it can be made easily without a laser. But laser cutting balsa is definitely an interesting technology.

Here I’m making two machine cut Squirrels and a laser cut Squirrel at the World Maker Faire in New York City.

The laser cut version has a mark in the middle of the wing so you don’t have to estimate where the Wing center is. Also I noticed when your opening the package, it’s easier to get the parts out.

Once built you can’t really tell the difference between the machine cut and the laser cut ones. They fly the same and look the same. In fact, I can’t remember if the Squirrel in the test below was a laser or machine. One way or the other it was consumed by the Maker Faire sign. 🙂