Smaller Things

Sometimes small things make me happy.

At the post office yesterday the server was very friendly since it was quiet time at the outlet. I wrote out the declaration forms for the parcels and she helped me with taping since I forgot some of it. Actually we fought over who got to do the taping and she won.

I have been thinking of printing the declaration form as part of my label printing but she made an awesome suggestion. She said that lots of people use stickers to add details to the declaration forms. Right away I knew what to do. When I am gluing labels, I can use the same glue to stick information to the form. Of course it won’t transfer through to the sender copy so I have another copy that can tear off at the time of mailing (either from the package or the customs form). It can be stuck to the sender copy and stapled to the receipt.

I was able to implement this right away as it only took a minute to change the labeling system. I just did my first one this morning!