Model airplane experimentation in BC


Subject: My pet Squirrel


I thought you’d get a kick of of my rendition of your interesting plane. This one is 10 grams, and has a 12 in. wingspan with a 2 in. chord. The only prop I had on hand was a 9 in. hand carved model, and it is way too much for this little plane. It was hilarious to see the results of a too-big prop. After about 200 winds, I let ‘er rip. The plane rocketed up about 20 ft. and began doing a twirling tail dance. The prop was obviously turning the plane. A small(about

5 in.) prop is forthcoming, as is a 28 in. wingspan model, currently on the building board. Thanks for giving me an enjoyable few hours away from the building of my unlimited rubber job.


George Clarke